Why girls fall for bad boys?


It is some inaccuracy in calculations of the world reason, it is an obvious error in the theory of world justice, it is similar to mass insanity. It is inexplicable, but the fact – good girls pulls to bad guys, as a girl magnet: if we were James Bond, quite could christen this phenomenon the Law of universal love gravitation. And nevertheless not always joyfully and pleasantly to fall in love with bad boys – they can offend and hurt very much. So let’s understand with what their insuperable attraction is connected?

Under the law of meanness

Here Sasha – clever, kind, attentive, careful, is pleasant to your mother and carries you on hands. And here, Mike – capricious, self-confident, impudent, is not pleasant to your mother and eternally is late for appointments. Both are applicants for a proud rank of your boyfriend. And for some reason sometimes, despite the desperate resistance of common sense, you listen to the heart and choose Pasha. However, as well as many other little girls who sometimes stop the choice on the copies which are not shining with high moral qualities not ready on the mad feats and even not capable is banal to invite the girl to romantic appointment. Thus available girls can quite have to themselves decent copies with quite itself certain moral guidelines spreading at feet of the darlings carpet paths from flower petals and night without a break straining a voice, executing under windows tear serenades. Strangely enough, sometimes all shifts of good boys are vain and to nobody necessary: which forget / do not want to leave maiden thoughts do not want / cannot write once again a pleasant text message in any way, but is so charming smile and so say simple “hi – as – affairs” at a meeting that to girls becomes somehow all the same that such it is good and that such is bad.

Reason, so long!

And nevertheless to this phenomenon there has to be some reasonable explanation! After all, sometimes all logical schemes are disconnected from capricious, freaky, but such attractive bad boys in the head (yes, girls after all have a logic!) one million contra turns into one big pro, and solutions of the equations with the unknown on a letter “L” are found only in the field of negative numbers. All systems of self-preservation are at all disconnected, and the big, shining red plate of STOP suddenly is recolored in green color. All around persistently repeat that this boy to you not couple, or simply patiently are silent, secretly hoping that you will think again and will refuse the new found status “Ms. the bad Guy soon”. But everything is vain: you as though cease to see its “bad” parties and every day open the good. Or, on the contrary, you continue to muffle the internal voice shouting: “Stop, it will badly end!” Because to you it is not so important, then all this will end – where is more important that now. And now it, his penetrating look and booming silence in which only blows of your heart are audible: rat-tat, rat-tat… Stop! Until you lost the head at all, we suggest to sort the reasons of insuperable charm of bad guys before which we, good girls, it is sometimes simple not to resist in forces.

Outstanding personality

There is also one more simple explanation – it consists only in visual and sound effects with which classical bad boys perfectly know. Present: you at a party at friends – stir, have a good time, and here in the doorway there are two. One will be clasped on all buttons, it is reserved and serious. The second – with the raised collar and a firm step. The first stands apart and shy at you glances. The second, without hesitating seconds, taxis up to you and straight off as the main character in the movie “Johnny D”, declares: “I like baseball, cinema, good clothes, fast cars and you”. Well what girl will resist it? Certainly, after such recognition you already will hardly remember that, the second, modestly glancing in your party even if externally he is more beautiful than Zac Efron and Justin Bieber together taken. And it turns out that bad self-confident boys instantly attract to themselves attention and cause obvious and logically explainable interest. While nice guys peacefully sit aside, in any way themselves do not find or have an effect too late when of heart and reason of the girl someone from a badboy-clan completely took control. Whether it is worth being surprised to what good boys appear in flight?

In step inaccessibility

“The we love less woman, the easier she like us” – the principle formulated by Pushkin continues to work still. Sometimes girls for some reason do not want to prefer a titmouse in hands to cranes in the sky, to be exact the good adoring boys the adored bad in any way. Probably, it is familiar to you: you in kilograms send it fluids and masterly wave eyelashes, answering his millisecond look and as soon as it appears from you in the kilometer range, straighten usually round-shouldered back and include catwalk. But all your efforts are ineffectual – he still does not pay to you attention, has fun and enjoys life out of your important society and persistently does not change the status “without couple” on “is in love with you only”. Moreover, even conscience is enough for it to flirt with other girls that, of course, brings you into the state close to a rage attack, and causes in you even more desire by all means to sweetheart his inaccessible person. It does not remind you sports interest? You should not forget: among girls too meet bad girl. 🙂 Which, having sweethearted with the hundred seventy eighth attempts the guy who was pleasant to them, lose to him any interest. Whether about you this history?

Good girl gone bad

For anybody not the secret that sometimes to the most really good girls very much bothers to be good. They diligent try to be an example for imitation and live under the code of honor. But sometimes to them bothers to suppress rushes to show the dark side, and in them the feeling of a protest starts ripening, after all sometimes “to the second I so want to give the vent”, torn to freedom. Present yourself on a place of such good girl while in her life there is It – an embodiment of independence and love of freedom, denying all principles in principle and not recognizing any borders. Perhaps, communication with it will seem to someone a useless waste of time and in general initially failure invention, but only not to you – the good girl tired “to maintain reputation”. In this boy you will see the light “at the end of a tunnel”, full of doubts and searches of. And, most likely, having communicated to it, you will seriously be adjusted to train for a new profession from the good girl in bad and, as well as It, you will learn to declare: “Accept me such what I am, or go wherever one wishes”. +

Rescue of the drowning

To feel that you created a real miracle – probably, this surprising feeling. Very few people would refuse to test it! 🙂 Therefore, having met the bad guy, hyper self-confident, but wallowed in troubles, girls often represent themselves as the rescuers urged to turn his life upside down. Let’s take, for example, the boy at whom problems in University, the conflicts to teachers and in the relations with parents not everything is smooth. Let’s say it conflict, selfish moreover and with a full bouquet of addictions. He asks nobody to climb in its “personal records”, declaring that itself with everything will deal, but rolls in a chasm of unresolved tasks more and more. To contact this guy risky not only for your sincere health, but also for reputation and for self-esteem too. But for some reason, having had heard plenty of stories about beauties and monsters and wonderful transformations of famous bad guys – for example, Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. – in the adequate loving men, believed that you, like darlings of these actors, will become for the problem boy a guiding star which will show him the road to healing. Similar to the truth? So it happens to many girls: having fallen in love with bad boy, they want to become that for the sake of which he will refuse all attributes of the “bad” role and will become super ideal all winds to spite and to all girls on envy.

It will not be boring

In life of modern girls often absolutely are not present free time. And everything is seemingly various, saturated and interesting, but sometimes bothers so that there are no forces. (And with boys too) it happens to girls: people, persons, events, the sun, the sky – day by day the picture repeats, turning life into an infinite Groundhog Day. To you for certain such too it happened: you, it seems, lead the superactive and superrich life full of new impressions, but sometimes to you it becomes awfully boring and sad. Imagine for a second that during such period of the life you would come to it – original, unpredictable, eccentrical, capable to throw out anything. As if you felt? Most likely, as if you got on premier display of the long-awaited adventure movie which main character are you. Because this guy – the one who at last will paint your life with bright paints. But be careful: as a rule, the boy with whom it is bright and it is fascinating, can not only change the picture which bothered to you in multi-colored and cheerful, but also on the contrary, to make black-and-white, having deprived of it any flowers.

Drama queens

As if it contradicted laws of the nature, there are people who like to worry enough, worry and suffer – such girls sometimes look for the occasion causing in them negative emotions. And, certainly, choose bad boys who regularly present them a fresh portion of quarrels, offenses and doubts – as a dope, as vital elements. Or perhaps in it something is valid is? Present: it does not appear the second day in a row though it promised to be stopped ringing as soon as comes back home, having seen off you, and you receive a reason for reflections on a subject “Why he does not love me?” and “As it could arrive so?”. And still you have legal basis to call in the middle of night the girlfriend for the emergency session of vest or to flirt with all boys in a row – it is necessary to compensate your spiritual torments somehow! For certain similar couples are among your acquaintances: from outside they seem the strangest, and nobody understands, “that she forgot with this villain”, but actually both are quite happy with the relations: the bad boy receives a freedom of action because forgive him any offenses, and the girl – experiences without which life seems to it boring, empty and senseless.

System of values

And still it is quite possible to accuse the lop-sided system of values and false rules imposed to us by modern society of a problem of thirst for bad guys. To be bad boys and bad girls, to put material well-being above pure sincere feelings, to be able to be cunning and prudent became fashionable, and qualities “tenderness” and “romanticism” began to be considered as weakness signs. For example, if your guy drives about by father’s car, hammers on traffic regulations and defiantly tells, how many thousands of rubles/dollars/baht squandered at the next party, most likely, having seen you with him, girlfriends will approvingly begin to nod the heads. Even if learn that yesterday he forgot to congratulate you on a name-day. And if you managed to fall in love with the creative boy who without a break spends days in garage behind favorite drums, or with the simple student who yet is not always able to afford to treat you with ice cream, be not surprised that is as if strong it you loved, you will need a lot of time to explain to people around that you in general with it forgot. And leaves that under the influence of an environment or having seen enough fashionable movies, transfers and having read a fiction, girls cease to look for determination, responsibility, honesty in boys, and even more often admire at those who corresponds to the conventional standard of the cool prudent guy. By the way, we will tell in confidence, material benefits still made nobody happy: something prompts, as you, having chosen the bad boy-materialist-egoist, will not become an exception. +

From the point of view of anthropology

There is an interesting opinion that our thirst for self-confident bad boys developed biologically and historically. Even very long time ago, when our ancestors lived in caves, girls liked the resolute guys showing the force, confidence, determination which are defiantly parting forcibly the rivals of one left and with a victorious call bringing in a cave of the biggest mammoth. In such self-confident guys the girl always saw the worthy male capable to become the master of a tribe and that is more important – the worthy partner for origin of future posterity. 🙂 Of course, it does not mean that good cave boys did not bring in a cave of mammoths, but probably they, as well as modern nice guy, did it modestly and silently, without devoting in stories about the heroic acts of all around. Since the time of the cave person changed unless living conditions and food, and here criteria of a choice of the partner in life for us remained former. However, considering the social requirements which obviously increased since then, to us, welcome better after all to try to be guided not only call of ancestors (let and not deprived of logic), but also more reasonable selection criteria.

Rosy glasses – take it off

Of course, it is not excluded that thanks to you one fine day he will really wake up the new person who was full of sublime feelings and noble aspirations. However, so it happens extremely seldom, and hardly you should hope for a miracle, expecting when from your beautiful bad boy not less fine turns out, but good. Do not forget that it is impossible to change the person: only he can correct the shortcomings and only if very much it wants. And if he still did not make attempts to become better for the sake of you, it is improbable that he will make it in the future. After all, in fact, is bad boy not that guy who walks in fragmentary gym shoes, to a leather biker jacket, is rude to the right and on the left and every day fills up the list of the broken hearts with the new victims. Is bad boy a boy who does not carry for you a bag with textbooks, does not meet after University and does not offer a warm jacket when you freeze, and sometimes at all does not turn on you the slightest attention. Then a problem in its attitude towards you: most likely, its feelings are simply insufficiently strong to go for the sake of you on some victims. So, maybe, it is time to remove pink glasses and to cease to try to stick together the prince “from this, what was”? After all the real prince never needs to remind that you are a girl and you always need his attention, care and heat.